“At the beginning You existed and laid the foundations of the earth; the heavens are the work of Your hands. They shall perish, but You shall remain and endure; yes, all of them shall wear out and become old like a garment. Like clothing You shall change them, and they shall be changed and pass away. But You remain the same, and Your years shall have no end.” –

Psalm 102:25‭-‬27

I am the Lord, and I do not change. That is why you descendants of Jacob are not already destroyed. What joy for the nation whose God is the Lord, whose people He has chosen as His inheritance. From His throne He observes all who live on the earth. He made their hearts, so He understands everything they do. Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. God is so faithful.

All through the ages, through joy and through any circumstances, He remains steady and true. Day by day, The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning. God is always up to something good. He

makes a way, it does not matter whatever it may take. Glory! The Lord watches over those who fear Him, those who rely on His unfailing love. He rescues them from death and keeps them alive in times of famine. What a friend we have in Jesus. He looks out for our good all the time.

“For what great nation is there who has a god so near to them as the Lord our God is to us in all things for which we call upon Him?” (Deuteronomy 4:7) God is good!

We must put our hope in the Lord. He is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, trust in His holy name. Pray God’s  unfailing love will continue to surround us, Lord, as we hope in Him alone. God will never change. God is still the same! All praise to His name. Amen

Himpossible International

June 28th, 2021

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